The second day was spent traveling, mostly.

We started out by driving back over to Kristy and Noel’s house. That was the rendezvous point. We picked up Melissa on the way.

Once there, we pack everything into the rental cars and figured out the driving arrangements. We had six registered drivers on the rental cars so we could rotate. Kiki was also there to pray over us and send us off.

The driving was pretty uneventful.

We stopped in Irvine for the night. We got a quick supper then went back to the hotel. Once back at the hotel, we started some last minute preparations for the missions trip. The children’s ministry mainly reviewed our stories.

During this time, I think a lot of us were starting to feel really unprepared and inadequate. I know I did. I had my lessons down pretty well, but I was having a lot of doubts about how God could actually use me. I don’t speak any Spanish. I don’t really relate well with kids. I am a strong introvert, and definitely don’t feel natural in front of groups.

We didn’t go over all the lessons, but instead prayed, and really just gave everything over to God.

I think I got to bed around 11pm. I was sharing a room with John, and his two kids, Tiger and Phil. Tiger and Phil are 7.5 and 6 respectively. I was sharing a bed with Tiger. He was already asleep by the time I got in, and despite being small was managing to take up the entire bed. He was pretty easy to move over though.

I slept pretty well.