There comes a time in a man’s life when he must write about glyphs. This is that time.

…but I don’t need a pyramid

Glyphs are essentially pictures. They’re are a lot like hieroglyphs, except with less hiero, and they don’t necessarily involve Egyptians or slave labor. Glyphs are drawn on the screen to represent a character or group of characters. They can also be special symbols, such as the clover used for the command key. Before a string is drawn to the screen, the characters are first converted to glyphs, then the glyphs are drawn to the screen.

Although it’s rarely necessary to drop down to the glyph level, let’s be honest: who doesn’t want a chance to play around with glyphs? After all, all the cool pharaohs are doing it.

Obtaining a glyph

Before you can do anything with a glyph, you have to get one, just like before you can use a pyramid, someone has to be dead, preferably a mummy.

If you just have plain text, getting the glyphs is pretty easy. You just use NSLayoutManager:

NSTextStorage* storage = [[[NSTextStorage alloc] initWithString:string] autorelease];
NSLayoutManager* layout = [[[NSLayoutManager alloc] init] autorelease];
[layout setTextStorage:storage];

unsigned i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < [layout numberOfGlyphs]; ++i) {
NSGlyph glyph = [layout glyphAtIndex:i];

// ... do something with the glyph...

string, as passed in to the NSTextStorage object, is the string you want glyphs for.

As I mentioned earlier you can also have glyphs that are special symbols. Typically, these are font specific, and are named. For example, the command key glyph is in the special .Keyboard font, and is named “propellor.” It only takes a couple of lines to get ahold of it:

NSFont* font = [NSFont fontWithName:@".Keyboard" size:13];
NSGlyph glyph = [font glyphWithName:@"propellor"];

I should note that NSGlyph is just an unsigned integer.

Wasn’t that fun? Sure it’s not a large, geometrically shaped, timeless monument in your honor, but what did you want from a blog?

Draw like an Egyptian

Glyphs aren’t that much use unless you can draw them. As the pyramids show, things are the easiest when you make someone else do all the hard work. To that end, the easiest way to draw a glyph is to take advantage of NSAttributedString.

First, I’m going to assume I already have the font and glyph, retrieved from the previous example.

Second, I need to build up a glyph info (NSGlyphInfo) object. Since glyphs are often specific to fonts, I have to include the font as well as the glyph code. What’s not completely obvious is what the “base string” is for. It is essentially a placeholder string, that will be replaced by the specified glyph when it is drawn.

The following code shows how to create a glyph info object for the command key glyph.

NSString* baseString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%C", 0xFFFD];
NSGlyphInfo* glyphInfo = [NSGlyphInfo glyphInfoWithGlyph:glyph forFont:font baseString: baseString];

You might be wondering why I chose the 0xFFFD character for a base string. Much like the pyramids, it’s a mystery to me. Some glyphs (like those in the Apple Symbols font) will draw with just about any base string you give it. However, other glyphs, like those in .Keyboard, only draw if you give them a specific base string.

I discovered the 0xFFFD value by dropping in a NSTextView in Interface Builder, running the app, and dropping in a bunch of glyphs using the Character Palette Input Method. Then I called textStorage on the NSTextView (which returns a subclass of NSAttributedString) and dumped out the NSAttributedString.

Now that I have a glyph info object, I can create my NSAttributedString. I just need to specify attributes for the font, NSFontAttributeName, and the glyph itself, via NSGlyphInfoAttributeName.

NSDictionary* attributes = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: font, NSFontAttributeName, glyphInfo, NSGlyphInfoAttributeName, nil];
NSAttributedString* string = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString: baseString attributes:attributes];

Notice that for the string, I just provide the base string. I could include regular text, which could contain multiple instances of the base string. Each instance of the base string would be replaced by the glyph when drawn.

Now that I have a NSAttributedString, there a couple of things I can do with it. If I have a control of some sort, like, say, a NSTextField, I can just call setAttributedStringValue: and pass in my attributed string, and the control will take care of drawing it. Otherwise, I can take a more direct approach, and call drawAtPoint: or drawInRect: on the NSAttributedString.

If using NSAttributedString isn’t low level enough for you, then you’re a control freak and should seriously seek professional help. But before you go, first consider NSBezierPath.

In this example, let’s assume font is a NSFont that contains all the glyphs I want to use. Also, assume glyphs is an NSArray of NSNumbers containing the glyph codes I want to draw. Note that this means the sample code will only work if all glyphs are from the same font.

NSBezierPath* path = [NSBezierPath bezierPath];
float left = 0;

// First, generate a bezier path with our glyphs
unsigned count = [glyphs count];
unsigned i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
NSNumber* glyphNumber = [glyphs objectAtIndex:i];
NSGlyph glyph = [glyphNumber unsignedIntValue];

[path moveToPoint: NSMakePoint(left, -[font descender])];
[path appendBezierPathWithGlyph: glyph inFont: font];

NSSize advancement = [font advancementForGlyph: glyph];
left += advancement.width;
[[NSColor blackColor] set];
[path fill];

Since glyphs are font specific, I have to ask the font for glyph measurements, in order to place the glyphs properly.

More interestingly, note that since I have a NSBezierPath, I can do any sort of graphic transform or translation on the glyphs. I can rotate them, change their color, or do my own kerning. If you’re writing your own graphics program, handling text at the glyph level, using NSBezierPaths, is very useful.

Beating a dead mummy

Hopefully this post has given you many insights into what you can do glyphs. Namely, build pyramids. Or attributed strings. Whatever.